vendredi 6 février 2009

NMHAW '09 - only one more day

When I started on this mission of blogging about mental health every day of National Mental Health Awareness Week, I wondered what I would be writing about, and I figured I'd probably get bored of it and quit half way through. I also figured all y'all would be bored of it and not read it.

On the contrary, the more I write, the more there is to write, and there is only one more day. And, several of you have been reading along and have left me kind messages, which I really appreciate.

I've already got a topic picked out for tomorrow, but since it's the last day, if any of you have questions or topics you'd like me to address, please leave me a comment and I'll do my best to write something for you.

Thank you for following National Mental Health Awareness Week here on Trucks and the City.

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